How to increase the penis size without any harm to men's health? There are a number of medications, hormonal, and dietary supplements, by means of which it is possible to speed up production in your body, of male hormones. It is well known that the increase of the concentration of the testosterone, involves the stretching and lengthening of your penis. However, a failure in the endocrine system, a lot of times, they are the cause of the development of serious diseases, such as diabetes, dysfunction of the adrenal, the expansion of the lower jaw, and the t. d. d.

So as not to harm your health, but to increase the size of your member, it is recommend that you use only proven, safe techniques for the correction of the length, and the thickness of the fertile body. Conventionally, they can be divided into the following two categories:
- the conservative – pharmacotherapy, the application of the simulator, a chiropractor, a doctor diet;
- surgery – ligamentum, and the transplantation of the tissue, the injection of a hyaluronic acid and a t. d.
A minimally invasive operation that practically does not lead to the development of side-effects, so they can spend the same on an outpatient basis. However, experts warn that in about a year after the introduction of the hyaluronic acid and the lipid tissues of the penis, the part of ressesivetXia. In this context, the length, and the thickness of the penis is decreased and, therefore, they have to get back in touch with your plastic surgeon.
The equipment for the enlargement of the penis
The men, using only natural methods of penis enlargement, be sure that in order to achieve the effect you want is possible only by means of a lot of training and self-discipline. As a rule, they combine the hand therapy with the use of special exercise equipment that is quite literally stretching the tissue of the penis.
Among the most secure and most effective means of training simulators, which include:
- penis extender – orthopaedics-is a mechanical device for the stretching of the ligaments, the muscles and the corpora cavernosa of the penis;
- the vacuum pump is a medical device, for which the basis for the creation of a negative pressure around the penis; and the reduction of the pressure leads to a powerful inflow of blood to the tissues, and, as a result of the development at a later date.
- temtagelitcomeu of the goods, which are intended to stretch the tissues of the penis, its use stimulates the formation of new tissue structures in the corpora cavernosa;
- with the jelq machine – tool and hand-over to the "milking parlor" sex organ, which is applied with the aim to enlarge the corpora cavernosa, and muscle tissue.
Important! The use of the wrong equipment can lead to a temporary reduction of erection.
It is to be understood that the natural increase of the penis, it is long-lasting and, at times, and it's quite annoying. Working out the diameter and length of phallus grows, but slowly. Drive to the event, the experts did not recommend it, as well as the exertion of the muscles and joints can cause injuries and malfunctions of the body's tissues.
Self-massage is one of the most secure methods of correction of the shape and the size of the penis. Today, there are many that are effective, and through which it is possible not only to increase your size of a member, but it will strengthen your erections. The chiropractic treatment helps to improve the tRafiki tissue, speed up the metabolism to return to normal, the microcirculation of the blood in the penis. The regular application of manual therapy that reduces the risk of prostatitis and erectile dysfunction in men and 3 times.
To increase the sex organ without impairing the health, you can use the following massage technique:
- doing the Kegel exercise, which is aimed at the training of the pc muscles, coccygeal (to find out the LUX-in the muscle, enough of it to attempt to interrupt the act of urination, at which point, you're going to feel the tension of certain muscles, which you will need to train with the periodic reduction and relaxation);
- jelqing – the technique of "milking" of a member, in which the need for a movement of the thumb and the index finger (grip-UP) from the bottom of the body, sex, and finishing with the head;and
- clamping – an extreme increase of the penis, the essence of which lies in the comdallivane veins on the surface at the base of the sexual organ, during a massage in the tissues of the erection will be the flow of the blood, however, is due to a blockage of the veins in the output will be stopped, but regular allow you to stretch the erectile tissue, which in turn will lead to an increase in the length and girth of the penis.
For the correct execution of the exercises, the dimensions of the penis enlargement will be the most the settings to the original sex, and the body of a 20% to 25%. But before you begin the self-massage, you bought it to heat up the tissue to speak of, and to repair them the normal circulation of the blood. To do this, you can use exciting, all-a bag of hot water, salt, warm water, greasing, and t. d.
Fat grafting
Lipofilling operation, the increase of the diameter of the penis, on account of the introduction in the subcutaneous tissue and the adipose tissue. At a minimum, the procedure in terms of the number of poucotRaumatary is, therefore, often undergo on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia. As filler material use a LIPIdntemYu tissue, which was taken from the back, the buttocks, the thighs, and the t. d. Before the procedure. the biomaterial are cleaned thoroughly and then distribute it evenly throughout the entire length of the stem of the penis with the help of a special needle.
An injectable procedure that is not recommended in the period of aggravation of the diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and inflammation temretRohanitobjectivos channel.
At the time of intervention that are used in LIPIdNaya the tissue of the patient, allowing you to correct the problem of the rejection of the implant. Lipotits to play the role of a filler, the plastic surgeon, increases the diameter of the penis and correct your form if needed. With the rise of social shouldn't take more than an hour, after which the surgeon sativaet the location of the punch-absorbable, dental floss, and apply the adhesive tape in place of stitching. In about 2 to 3 weeks after the lipofilling, the patient can be re-used with sexual activity.
The increase in the member
Here you will find all the information on how to increase the penis size. Penis enlargement methods-in-home or in clinical settings, both with their pros and cons. I've tried all of the basic devices and describes his prints, and projections. In the articles, the answers to the 3 questions that are of interest to you all, who are you going to do with the a modification of your body.
- indeed, if the rising of the penis,
- the results you can achieve
- what is the technique of choice.
And it's a little bit of a background for the trial: the principle of operation of the various methodologies, which approximate the results, the amount of growth and its limits.
The penis enlargement without surgery
Home remedies for the power of the men in the fast-paced action
The processing power in the popular media: best practices. The spice — a-gold-mine of climbednoncomtela for men's health ,to ginger drink-how to the far east plants in order to be able to male human ,and the analog of the ever — exciting desire for sexual intercourse .They are recommended exercises to increase the blood flow to the groin area. The power indicator of the health of the positive and psychological state of a man.
The average dimensions of

Health statistics show that, as a rule, man has the tool to a maximum length of 12 to 16 cm in length, which is the most typical, and nothing that was created prior to the dig, considering that it is a member here, you will be in the body for long, and 14 inches, and a diameter of 2.5 to 3 cm. With the so-called penile can be good and satisfy the woman and to conceive a child. However, a lot of men think that their penis is still a friend to you, then you may want to suggest an increase in the membership of the food soda.
A big penis is good for raising one's self-esteem, as well as superior to in ai. Even so, it was decided that the increase of the penis, with the help of a soda, you you you you is vital, and below you will find all the give you the instructions on how to do this process in any detail.
Enlarge the penis properly
The increase of the penis, a soda — the one thing that is not new, it has been created by its express terms is not of yesterday. His father and his grandfather, who was likely to know the secret, and the baking soda, it has always been, and was in the house and in the kitchen of the post. It goes without saying that, generally, the use is not for the trial, and to the work of the house: the house cleaning is the ideal cookware for the kitchen, the bakery and the t. d. d.
There are two common variants of the implementation of the sodium, for the purpose of increasing the your penis. You can try both of them, or the way in which you like the most.
- Take a warm bath to relax the the penis, even just a little bit of pomecomttemRBInoinetü. Take one teaspoon of soda, mix it with a teaspoon of butter or honey. The resulting mass is necessary to apply to the penis and massaged him for five minutes. So stop the smear and massage the body sex, have the cream is simply absorbed and work directly in increase. Wash it off with water around the comnodnoinsth the cream to the member, and to be prepared for the fact that your penis is going to grow up. Also, this method helps to prolong the act of sexual intercourse for 10 or 15 minutes.
- If you are not very well suited to the scheme, according to which it is necessary to rub the penis comnodnoinsm cream, or maybe you don't have to do this, you condition it, you can always do something different. The second way is more easy to use than the first one, and it also increases the shaft of your penis. Take the baking soda — one tablespoon in a glass of water. It needs to be fully dissolved in the water. The obtained liquid oxygen, you have to download the male, the dignity of the 10 minutes, but no more, and you will immediately see it as a can of soda affect the size of your penis. This method is simpler and less time-consuming.
Whichever way you choose, do not forget that the refrigerant is only a temporary effect. We recommend the use of sodium hydroxide for an hour or two prior to sexual intercourse, and the penis swelled and lengthened, is going to appeal to you and your lady. With the help of the refrigerant can be increased in diameter in the middle, about 1 cm, and the length of the body is going to grow up to 1-2 cm in height. Particular attention paid to the treatment of the glans penis: a large part of it depends on both the change in the value of and hard. You can test both of these methods, as well as so they really tested over the decades. Here's what's in the way that is most convenient for you, and make sure that it is the truth. Now that you know how you can use baking soda to increase the penis size.
Who should not use soda ash?
It is better to withdraw the application of this method are as follows:
- For people with diabetes. Pure sodium, even in small amounts, it is dangerous, affects the mass of the blood.
- People with problems with the prostate gland, and prostatitis, both here and as well as all of this is understandable.
- Suffering from temretritom and crevice. The soda is also a powerful irritant, and that the use of surely is not going to.
- However, anyone who has a candidiasis, or in the event of an allergic reaction, contact dermatitis. Thrush is usually quite a troublesome to disease, and soda will only aggravate the situation.
There are a number of services of the internet traveler that is dedicated to this topic in general and, more specifically, to the question of who is the best is not to use caustic soda. Among them, the attention drawn to the commentary, is situated in the popular college website, and is titled "in the Film, and see it." Also, there are seen numerous tips that will teach you about how you and I use bicarbonate of soda on a limb, and it is also exactly what happens in the body.
Many of the comments focused on the roller, in which a man is directly into the camera nemezsineet of his cock, and is located in the state of the excited, primary, drinking soda, and all of the organs in the body increases right before your eyes. Most likely, it uses film, because no matter what, any soda, for this purpose, the increase is not going to happen. The member, actually, at some point you will grow, and the anointing of the soda, but it's certainly not 5 inches or more.
Side effects
Be careful and don't abuse it in a manner in any way! The frequent reception of soda will result in unpleasant effects, and, most likely, they are a source of concern.
In spite of the damage, many people try to abuse it that way. This can lead to the following negative phenomena:

- there will be injuries and fractures and hair that is going to hurt;
- you may develop a reaction in the event of an allergic reaction;
- is not excluded from the feeling of burning and itchy;
- the abuse can even cause serious diseases, such as cancer of the penis.
Doctors recommend that you use this method no more than once every six months, in exceptional circumstances, once every four months. Many of the men literally mad, in the matter of how to enlarge your penis, making comnodnoinse sinapismos a lot more often. This abuse becomes stable, the patients in the urinary system, and it is for this reason that they are forced to spend the money on an expensive treatment.
Sum of all
Each one you solve your problem, like what is the size of your penis or not, and whether there is a need to take measures to increase the penis size. Anyone who drank from it, before the funds for the erection and increase in size, someone who is thinking about starting to take medication now, and those who don't want to spend money on expensive medications, and prefer a good old-fashioned recipe for the baking soda, which, however, he can't hurt you. Now that you know how to increase the penis size and what you want to do. Best of luck and success in the world of sex!
We make conclusions
You found it in a flash in the pan? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, your victory is on your side. And, of course, that you're not rumours, you know, that's a violation of the power-on is:
Low self-esteem. For the women, they'll be reminded of each and every one of your failure, and tell their friends, and their friends. The disease of the prostate gland. With the development of depression, and this has a negative impact on your health. It is worth it to get something for them to do.